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AI in Soccer to Improve Today's Athletes

May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024
At Youtouch, we are proud to have demonstrated our Machine Vision-based technology applied to soccer, with our client Neurohit and its CEO, Eugenio Lizama. We use training and match images and videos to model an algorithm that recognizes visual tracking, player movement, speed, and other crucial data. This technology is revolutionizing the sport by helping players improve their decision-making speed and overall performance. Youtouch People

The latest trend in soccer focuses on using AI to improve players' decision-making and performance. For example, the NFL uses data and technology analysis to enhance player safety and optimize team performance. In our demonstration, we have shown that these technologies can reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of sports training. This not only elevates the level of the players but also provides a significant competitive advantage on the field.